В списке на страничке с апдейтами пример выглядит так: - Merge branch '4.7.0-stable' of git://midnight-commander.org/git/mc - Ticket #2437 (mcedit: selection length trouble) - Ticket #1963: use grep instead of awk in iso9660 extfs plugin. - updated mc-4.7.0-alt-filetypes.patch for libreoffice support - rollback splitting of package - renamed mc-complete to mc-full А должно бы так: - Merge branch '4.7.0-stable' of git://midnight-commander.org/git/mc - Ticket #2437 (mcedit: selection length trouble) - Ticket #1963: use grep instead of awk in iso9660 extfs plugin. - updated mc-4.7.0-alt-filetypes.patch for libreoffice support - rollback splitting of package - renamed mc-complete to mc-full
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