Bug 32565

Summary: crashed when creating the last partition (in livecd-install)
Product: Sisyphus Reporter: Ivan Zakharyaschev <imz>
Component: alterator-vmAssignee: Олег Соловьев <mcpain>
Status: CLOSED WORKSFORME QA Contact: qa-sisyphus
Severity: major    
Priority: P3 CC: mcpain, mike, sbolshakov
Version: unstable   
Hardware: all   
OS: Linux   
Description Flags
/var/log/evms-engine.log none

Description Ivan Zakharyaschev 2016-10-04 20:20:00 MSK
Created attachment 6833 [details]


While I was creating partitions, the installer (from regular-wmaker-20161004, x86_64) silently crashed.

[altlinux@localhost ~]$ livecd-install 
Socket path: /tmp/alterator/browser-sock
frame:on-next is deprecated, use wizard-bind instead
frame:next-activity is deprecated, use wizard-update-activity instead
frame:next-activity is deprecated, use wizard-update-activity instead
frame:on-next is deprecated, use wizard-bind instead
frame:on-back is deprecated, use wizard-bind instead
frame:on-next is deprecated, use wizard-bind instead
frame:back-activity is deprecated, use wizard-update-activity instead
<* ((nexthop /vm/table))
frame:on-next is deprecated, use wizard-bind instead
frame:on-back is deprecated, use wizard-bind instead
Using pixmap name "vm/disk.png" with file extension.
Using pixmap name "vm/umounted.png" with file extension.
Using pixmap name "vm/caution.png" with file extension.
<* ((task #f op-volume-destroy #f "/evms/tasks/1"))
<* ((#t))
Using pixmap name "vm/unused.png" with file extension.
<* ((task #f op-volume-destroy #f "/evms/tasks/2"))
<* ((#t))
<* ((task #f op-volume-destroy #f "/evms/tasks/3"))
<* ((#t))
<* ((task #f op-segment-create op-volume-create "/evms/tasks/4"))
Using pixmap name "vm/reqfield.gif" with file extension.
SET-VALUE! "Primary": #f
EFFECT: "Primary" ((#t options))
RENEW slider: 953867 (8 953867 8)
RENEW slider: 0 (0 953859 8)
SET-VALUE! "Size": 504
EFFECT: "Size" ((#t options))
RENEW slider: 504 (8 953867 8)
RENEW slider: 0 (0 953363 8)
<* ((task #f op-volume-create op-volume-mkfs "/evms/tasks/5"))
<* ((choice #f op-volume-mkfs op-volume-setmntent "/evms/tasks/6" "/evms/tasks/7" "/evms/tasks/8"))
<* ((task #f op-volume-mkfs op-volume-setmntent "/evms/tasks/6"))
SET-VALUE! "vollabel": "wmboot"
EFFECT: "vollabel" ((#t))
<* ((task #f op-volume-setmntent #f "/evms/tasks/9"))
SET-VALUE! mntpoint: "/boot"
EFFECT: mntpoint ((#t options))
SET-VALUE! mntpoint: "/boot"
EFFECT: mntpoint ((#t))
SET-VALUE! mntpoint: "/boot"
EFFECT: mntpoint ((#t))
SET-VALUE! mntoptions: "nodev,nosuid,noexec,relatime"
EFFECT: mntoptions ((#t))
<* ((#t))
<* ((task #f op-segment-create op-volume-create "/evms/tasks/10"))
SET-VALUE! "Size": 9000
EFFECT: "Size" ((#t options))
RENEW slider: 9000 (8 953363 8)
RENEW slider: 0 (0 944363 8)
SET-VALUE! "TypeByName": "Linux Swap"
EFFECT: "TypeByName" ((#t options))
RENEW slider: 9000 (8 953363 8)
RENEW slider: 0 (0 944363 8)
<* ((task #f op-volume-create op-volume-mkfs "/evms/tasks/11"))
<* ((task #f op-volume-mkfs op-volume-setmntent "/evms/tasks/12"))
<* ((task #f op-volume-setmntent #f "/evms/tasks/13"))
<* ((#t))
<* ((task #f op-segment-create op-volume-create "/evms/tasks/14"))
SET-VALUE! "TypeByName": "Linux LVM"
EFFECT: "TypeByName" ((#t options))
RENEW slider: 944364 (8 944364 8)
RENEW slider: 0 (0 944356 8)
SET-VALUE! "Size": 310000
EFFECT: "Size" ((#t options))
RENEW slider: 310000 (8 944364 8)
RENEW slider: 0 (0 634364 8)
<* ((#t))
Using pixmap name "vm/partition.png" with file extension.
<* ((task #f op-segment-create op-volume-create "/evms/tasks/15"))
SET-VALUE! "TypeByName": "Linux Swap"
EFFECT: "TypeByName" ((#t options))
RENEW slider: 634365 (8 634365 8)
RENEW slider: 0 (0 634357 8)
SET-VALUE! "Size": 8000
EFFECT: "Size" ((#t options))
RENEW slider: 8000 (8 634365 8)
RENEW slider: 0 (0 626365 8)
<* ((task #f op-volume-create op-volume-mkfs "/evms/tasks/16"))
<* ((task #f op-volume-mkfs op-volume-setmntent "/evms/tasks/17"))
<* ((task #f op-volume-setmntent #f "/evms/tasks/18"))
<* ((#t))
<* ((task #f op-segment-create op-volume-create "/evms/tasks/19"))
SET-VALUE! "TypeByName": "Linux LVM"
EFFECT: "TypeByName" ((#t options))
RENEW slider: 626366 (8 626366 8)
RENEW slider: 0 (0 626358 8)
SET-VALUE! "Size": 310000
EFFECT: "Size" ((#t options))
RENEW slider: 310000 (8 626366 8)
RENEW slider: 0 (0 316366 8)
<* ((#t))
<* ((task #f op-segment-create op-volume-create "/evms/tasks/20"))
SET-VALUE! "TypeByName": "Linux LVM"
EFFECT: "TypeByName" ((#t options))
RENEW slider: 316367 (8 316367 8)
RENEW slider: 0 (0 316359 8)
<* ((#t))
<* ((task #f op-vg-create #f "/evms/tasks/21"))
Using pixmap name "vm/reqfield.gif" with file extension.
SET-VALUE! "name": "wm"
EFFECT: "name" ((#t))
<* ((#t))
Using pixmap name "vm/unused.png" with file extension.
<* ((task #f op-lv-create op-volume-create "/evms/tasks/22"))
SET-VALUE! "size": 24992
EFFECT: "size" ((#t options))
RENEW slider: 24992 (32 936320 32)
RENEW slider: 1 (1 3 1)
Ignore unknown attribute for widget <box> <rows>=<sda7;;sda9;;sda10;>
SET-VALUE! "name": "sys"
EFFECT: "name" ((#t options))
RENEW slider: 24992 (32 936320 32)
RENEW slider: 1 (1 3 1)
<* ((task #f op-volume-create op-volume-mkfs "/evms/tasks/23"))
<* ((choice #f op-volume-mkfs op-volume-setmntent "/evms/tasks/24" "/evms/tasks/25" "/evms/tasks/26" "/evms/tasks/27" "/evms/tasks/28" "/evms/tasks/29" "/evms/tasks/30"))
Ignore unknown attribute for widget <box> <rows>=<sda7;;sda9;;sda10;>
<* ((task #f op-volume-mkfs op-volume-setmntent "/evms/tasks/24"))
SET-VALUE! "vollabel": "wmsys"
EFFECT: "vollabel" ((#t))
<* ((task #f op-volume-setmntent #f "/evms/tasks/31"))
SET-VALUE! mntpoint: "/"
EFFECT: mntpoint ((#t))
SET-VALUE! mntoptions: "relatime"
EFFECT: mntoptions ((#t))
<* ((#t))
<* ((task #f op-lv-create op-volume-create "/evms/tasks/32"))
SET-VALUE! "size": 20000
EFFECT: "size" ((#t options))
RENEW slider: 20000 (32 911328 32)
RENEW slider: 1 (1 3 1)
Ignore unknown attribute for widget <box> <rows>=<sda7;;sda9;;sda10;>
SET-VALUE! "name": "var"
EFFECT: "name" ((#t options))
RENEW slider: 20000 (32 911328 32)
RENEW slider: 1 (1 3 1)
<* ((task #f op-volume-create op-volume-mkfs "/evms/tasks/33"))
<* ((choice #f op-volume-mkfs op-volume-setmntent "/evms/tasks/34" "/evms/tasks/35" "/evms/tasks/36" "/evms/tasks/37" "/evms/tasks/38" "/evms/tasks/39" "/evms/tasks/40"))
Ignore unknown attribute for widget <box> <rows>=<sda7;;sda9;;sda10;>
<* ((task #f op-volume-mkfs op-volume-setmntent "/evms/tasks/34"))
SET-VALUE! "vollabel": "wmvar"
EFFECT: "vollabel" ((#t))
<* ((task #f op-volume-setmntent #f "/evms/tasks/41"))
[altlinux@localhost ~]$ ls -a
.   .bash_logout   .bashrc  .config  Desktop    Downloads  .local      .mutt   .rpmmacros  .Xauthority  .xsession.d
..  .bash_profile  .cache   .dbus    Documents  GNUstep    .lpoptions  Public  .ssh        .xprofile    .xsession-errors:0
[altlinux@localhost ~]$
Comment 1 Ivan Zakharyaschev 2016-10-04 20:47:05 MSK
I could not repeat this bug, even though I made a very similar partitioning the second time: the installer passed this step.
Comment 2 Sergey Bolshakov 2023-04-06 18:21:57 MSK