If you give someone a program, you will frustrate them for a day; if you teach them how to program, you will frustrate them for a lifetime. ...
7 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
19552 NEW --- enh Infrastr docs.alt dottedmag dottedmag There should be localized manpages for the Sisyphus-related projects
41890 NEW --- nor Infrastr docs.alt azol master UDS - USD
46169 NEW --- nor Infrastr docs.alt azol igor.bz Использование поиска Google
49066 NEW --- maj Infrastr docs.alt azol nrbrtx PDF файлы документации p10 не открываются как минимум в Atril и Okular
50576 NEW --- nor Infrastr docs.alt azol rstaganrog Настройка DNS-прокси и траста между Samba AD и MS AD
51763 NEW --- nor Infrastr docs.alt azol dla_erundi нет возможности скачать ALT Media Writer
51765 NEW --- nor Infrastr docs.alt azol dla_erundi нет возможности скачать ALT Media Writer

File a new bug in the "docs.altlinux.org" component of the "Infrastructure" product