Passwords are like underwear: don't share them, hide them under your keyboard, or hang them from your monitor. Above all, change them frequently. ...
5 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
21247 NEW --- nor Sisyphus alterato nobody combr страница "журнал" не показывает актуальных данных
21556 NEW --- min Sisyphus alterato nobody raorn Не работает с device mapper
21599 NEW --- maj Sisyphus alterato nobody cas Требуется предупреждение при восстановлении из резервной копии (невозможно вернуться)
22056 NEW --- nor Sisyphus alterato nobody anyr Ability to change backup directory in alterator-bacula
30361 NEW --- nor Sisyphus alterato nobody adobrovolskii bacula выжирает диск

File a new bug in the "alterator-bacula" component of the "Sisyphus" product