A vector on a complex plane would be a better visualisation of one's skills. With technical competence axis being imaginary and the assholiness axis being real, of course. ...
3 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
42622 NEW --- nor Sisyphus alsa-uti nickel dutyrok alsamixer вылетает при попытке выбора аудиокарты на вирутальной машине Proxmox
31757 ASSI --- nor Sisyphus alsa-uti mike aris alsa-utils: alsa{,re}store.service required
39702 REOP --- nor Sisyphus alsa-uti lvol desmond Некорректная работа утилиты alsabat

File a new bug in the "alsa-utils" component of the "Sisyphus" product